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Dill Weed

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  • $ 2.75


(Cut & Sifted) (Organically Grown) Available in 1OZ.


The Vikings cultivated a plant they called "dilla," or "soothing," as a remedy for colic in babies. The easy-to-grow dill weed has become an essential ingredient in cuisines around the world.

The term "dill weed" refers to the green leaves (and sometimes stems) of the plant. "Dill seed" actually isn't seed but the flat, oval, dark brown whole fruits of the herb. Dill weed and dill seed have different chemical compositions, different uses in cooking, and different applications in herbal healing.

If you want to grow dill in your garden, plan for success. The mature plant produces thousands of seeds, most dill seeds germinate, and the plant can invade other growing beds. Dill likes a most, well-drained soil in full sun, although it grows on most kinds of soils. Stress on the plant by heat or drought improves its flavor.If you let dill come up on its own, it will mature and go to seed before you have cucumbers. If you want to use dill in pickling, plant dill and cucumbers at the same time.


The leaf, dried, cut, and sifted, or used fresh.


Added to cooking, can be taken as a tea or in capsule form.


The August 2005 edition of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry confirmed the usefulness of dill in stopping growth of various bacteria, yeast, and molds.


Specific: No known precautions.
General: We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*