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Angelica Root

  • Sale
  • $ 4.90


(Cut & Sifted) (Organically Grown) Available in 1 OZ.

Description: Angelica is a biennial herb, belonging to the Umbelliferae family. It is a plant with a taproot, divided leaves, umbels of green-white flowers, and it possesses the same characteristic hollow, fluted stems as fennel and parsley. Angelica root contains, amoung other things, a volitile aromatic oil and the root is used in perfumery and to flavor liqueurs. Angelica is high in vitamin C and potassium.

Origin: Bulgaria

Other Names: Archangel, Archangelica officinalis, Garden Angel, Garden Angelica, Masterwort, Wild Parsnip

Part Used: Root

Culinary Uses: Angelica root has a strong, sweet flavor and can be added to cookies, cakes, and breads. To make a tea, steep 1 teaspoon of dried Angelica Root in 1 cup of boiling water for 3 - 5 minutes.

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