(Whole) Available in 1 OZ
Description: Osha is a perennial herb, belonging to the Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) family. It has a very hairy root that brown on the outside and yellow on the inside, a long thin hollow stalk with large divided leaves, and a a white flower at the top of the plant that is spread out in the form of an umbrella. The entire plant has a sweet celery like smell.
Other Names: Chuchupate, Lovage, Loveroot, Porter’s Porter’s Ligusticum, Wild Parsley Mountain Ginseng, Nipo, Indian Root, Empress Of The Dark Forest, Bear Medicine, Wild Lovage, Porters Lovage, Mountain Carrot, Colorado Cough Root, Chuchupati
Part Used: Root
Medicinal Uses: Osha is known to boost immune function, aid digestion, and eliminate toxins. It is considered a supreme lung herb. It is thought to strengthen the resiliency of the alveolar sacs, and is used to soothe irritated tissue and promote expectoration. Osha Root can be chewed to relieve sore throat.
Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Osha Root should not be used during pregnancy.4
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