Sandalwood Powder (Yellow) - SANTALUM ALBUM
Available in 1 OZ.
Description: Sandalwood a small tropical evergreen tree, belonging to the Santalaceae family. It has smooth grey-brown bark and highly aromatic wood, and numerous small purplish flowers the whole year round. Yellow Sandalwood Powder can be used in facials, body powders, hair packs, soaps, salt scrubs, bath teas and bath salts. Yellow Sandalwood Powder produces a warm, sweet, woody fragrance that is a great addition to incense.
Origin: India
Other Names: Chandan, Chandana, Indian Sandalwood, Santalwood, Tan Xiang
Part Used: Wood
Medicinal Uses: Sandalwood used in a steam inhalation can be beneficial for a sore throat. Sandalwood paste has been used to treat skin diseases, dry skin, prickly heat, premature wrinkling, acne and external infections. It prevents excessive sweating and heals inflamed skin. Dry sandalwood powder can be mixed in rose water and applied over parts where there is profuse sweating.
Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Sandalwood is contraindicated in diseases of the kidney.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*