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Sassafras Bark Powder

  • Sale
  • $ 11.70

Sassafras Root Bark - SASSAFRAS ALBIDUM

(Cut) Available in 1 OZ

Description: Sassafras is a deciduous perennial tree, belonging to the Lauraceae family. Its root bark is a bright, rusty-brown, brittle and corky. The trunk is covered with thick, rough, reddish-brown bark. The leaves have a distinctive three-fingered mitten shape, and it has clusters of dioecious, small and yellowish flowers. All parts of the sassafras tree are aromatic with a pleasant odor.

Origin: United States

Other Names: Ague Tree, Cinnamon Wood, Cinnamon wood, Fennel Wood, Saloip, Saloop, Sassafras Officinale, Saxifrax, Smelling-Stick

Part Used: Root Bark

Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Sassafras Root should be used with caution. Avoid excessive or long term use.