(Whole) (Wild Crafted) Available in 1 OZ.
Description: Schizandra, known as Schisandra, is an aromatic woody vine, belonging to the Schisandraceae family. This liana plant has alternate leaves arranged on short shoots, and has clusters of pink flowers. Its fully ripened fruit appears as numerous spikes of tiny berries that are deep red to black-brown and appear partly white powdered. They have a sweet, sour, hot, salty and bitter taste hence the Chinese name, Wu Wei Zi (Five Flavored Herb).
Origin: China
Other Names: Five Flavor Berry, Fructus Schisandra, Fruit Of Five Flavors, Wu Wei Zi
Part Used: Berry
Culinary Uses: Schizandra Berries are added to wine. To make a tea, pour 1 cup boiling water over 1/2 teaspoon of Schizandra berries, cover and steep 3-5 minutes.
Medicinal Uses: Schizandra Berries help the body adapt to stress and nourishes the nervous system. They are concidered to be a mild sedative. Schizandra Berries are used internally to help the body to better utilize oxygen and improve endurance.
Precautions and Adverse Reactions: Schizandra Berries are not to be used for excess heat conditions, such as fevers and inflammation. Avoid in cases of epilepsy, intracranial pressure and overly acidic conditions.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*